Three Reasons Roundtables should be part of Your Product Marketing Strategy

3 minute read.

In the dynamic world of tech, where launching new products and features is the name of the game, it's crucial to have fresh and effective product marketing strategies. One approach that's super powerful yet sometimes flies under the radar is using roundtables.

These discussions are not only interactive and engaging but also easy on the budget. Roundtables offer an awesome way to connect with your target audience, gain priceless insights, and, ultimately, make your products and features even better.

In this blog post, we'll dive into three rock-solid reasons why roundtables should be a key player in every tech company's product marketing game plan: instant feedback on new ideas, a deeper understanding of market challenges, and more comprehensive feedback than traditional surveys can ever dream of providing.

One: Quick Feedback, Minimal Cash (Win-Win!)

One of the coolest perks of roundtables is the ability to gather feedback on new ideas, product features, or marketing concepts in a flash. Roundtables, usually involving participants discussing a specific topic, offer a dynamic environment to test the waters and gauge reactions in real-time. This instant feedback helps you tweak your ideas before wasting time and money.

Moreover, roundtables can be cost-effective compared to traditional focus groups or other market research techniques. Using video conferencing platforms or social media channels, tech companies can virtually gather participants from their target audience and have a lively roundtable discussion without breaking the bank.

Two: Digging Deeper into Market Challenges

Understanding their challenges and pain points is crucial to create products that resonate with customers. Roundtables provide an excellent opportunity to dive deeper into the issues that matter to your audience. In addition, participants are encouraged to share their experiences, opinions, and ideas in an open forum, making it a treasure trove of valuable insights.

During roundtable discussions, tech companies can ask pointed questions that reveal the underlying challenges faced by their target audience. Plus, roundtables foster a collaborative atmosphere, allowing participants to brainstorm solutions. It's like hosting a think tank where everyone contributes to innovation and improvement.

Three: Bye-Bye, Boring Surveys; Hello, Comprehensive Feedback

We all know surveys have been the bread and butter of market research, but let's be honest – they're often met with low response rates and superficial answers. Roundtables, however, are like the cool cousin that brings the party. They offer an opportunity to gather in-depth, nuanced feedback from your target audience.

In a roundtable setting, participants are more likely to provide detailed responses as they converse with others and the moderator. This dialogue can help uncover subtle insights and stimulate further discussion, giving you a more comprehensive understanding of your audience's preferences, opinions, and needs.

Plus, roundtables can help tackle the issue of survey fatigue (you know, when people are tired of filling out surveys and either provide low-quality responses or skip them altogether). Roundtables offer a more interactive and engaging experience, which means higher participation and better feedback.

So, there you have it – three compelling reasons to make roundtables a staple in your product marketing strategy. With quick feedback, a deeper understanding of market challenges, and more comprehensive feedback than traditional surveys, roundtables are the secret ingredient for success in the competitive tech landscape. So, don't miss this golden opportunity to up your marketing game!

Convinced? Get in touch & let’s see how a Roundtable can compliment your marketing mix.

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