SUSE CIO Roundtable

SUSE worked with Clutch to for a Roundtable targeted at Senior IT Leaders, working with Forrester to create hyper-relevant content.

The Brief:

SUSE needed help putting together an Executive Roundtable for Senior IT Leaders. The event’s content would be created in collaboration with Forrester Research and the session on the day was moderated by Forrester Principal Analyst, Samuel Higgins.

The Work:

Working with SUSE to outline their target audience of CIOs & CTOs, plus their extended target audience, we approached this campaign with our signature tiered approach to audeince acquisition. We also chose Rockpool in Sydney as the venue to ensure desirability & suitability for the senior audience.

The Outcome:

Out of the 15 attendees on the day, 8 were C-Suite while the remaining audience was made up of GM, VP or Head Ofs, resulting in an extremely qualified and senior audience for the discussion.

Event in Review:

Moderated by Samuel Higgins, Principal Analyst at Forrester, the discussion ran for over 3 hours and covered:

  • How enterprises have become more adaptive, creative, and resilient 

  • What modern ecosystems components have been most effective at accelerating digital transformation

  • Using co-innovation to realise true value

Read the full event information here.


Gigamon Infrastructure Leader Roundtable


SUSE DevSecOps Leaders Morning Briefing